
Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Negotiating Is Just Another Business Communication Skill

Business communication encompasses a lot. It is over writing effective emails or generating powerful presentations. In fact, it is part of every department & every interaction within a company. Successful selling is about communication, as are promotion, hiring, leadership & negotiation. Wikipedia defines negotiation as a dialogue between or more people or parties, intended to reach an understanding, resolve points of difference, or gain advantage in outcome of dialogue, to produce an agreement on courses of action, to bargain for individual or collective advantage, to craft outcomes to satisfy various interests of persons/parties involved in the negotiation method.

The underlying theme of these definitions is communication. You cannot reach agreement on a coursework of action unless both parties are actively involved, using effective business communication. They might think of negotiation as something they do to another person to secure the advantage, & I suspect if that is your 'come from,' the conversations are focused on you than looking for an outcome that satisfies both parties.

Neither negotiation nor communication ought to be unilateral or involve ultimatums. As the boss, you can post company rules on the wall & state them unequivocally. You staff can read them & absorb the knowledge, but take the rules lightly. Sometimes guidelines are necessary, but effective communication seldom depends on ultimatums. Think back on the last union negotiation you read about, possibly with the NFL. When side pounds their fists & says, "This is the way it must be!", talks break down. It is human nature to dismiss what is said when they have no say.

To me, negotiation is how they interface with other human beings. They take the time to understand their position & needs. They probe for clarification & to get definition on what is really important to them, & what is less significant. They take the time to separate the emotion they may be expressing from the issue. It is truly about caring about the other person. Unless you care about them, negotiation is a word, not an action.

Negotiation is a method & it is a skill. Part of that skill involves genuinely caring about the other person & wanting an outcome where both parties can, if feasible, feel satisfied. The method happens when each successfully makes use of the skills.

On the flip side, you use your business communication skills to communicate your position & needs, & what is important. You share with them your intentions & the ideal outcome you'd like to accomplish. You cease to listen. You suspend judgment & put away assumptions that will interfere with the method. Questions are asked & answered, & both sides work toward clearly understanding the other's position. It is Communication 101.

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