
Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Let People Chase You!

Be serious about your business & let people know that you are looking for serious & committed people to join your business ONLY. In case you appear needy to people, you put your prospects in control of you which lowers your chances of sponsoring them.Stand tall & proud. Assert yourself with confidence. Do what you can to keep away from a lack mentality, because in case you get hung up because somebody declined your offer, then you don't have a abundance mentality, understand that there's more fish in the sea! There's always more people out there who would be willing to join your opportunity. A abundance mentality can help you cease getting frustrated at every ''no'' you get, it helps keep you motivated & makes you look more attracting to your prospects!

Wouldn't it be lovely if it was other people chasing you for knowledge about your opportunity versus you going out there & pestering everyone about it? Of work! That would be a dream come true for network marketers! & you know what? It is not as much as a fantasy as would think. Frankly, lots of it is posture & the abundance mentality. Those things are what lots of people in this industry lack.

There is much more to understand about this powerful change in mindset.Quite lots of this I learned from my team leader Ray Higdon & from this program called "Magnetic Sponsoring" by Mike Dillard. I have been doing Mike Dillard & Mike Weiser's Black Belt recruiting work recently, I highly recommend it! Some of the best training you can ever have is mindset training! Without a lovely mindset, you cannot expect to get anywhere in this industry!

It is the dearth mentality that lads most network marketers to walk away from their business & makes the remainder of us look bad when those statistics add up! Keep in mind, no "fails" in network marketing, they quit! There's lots of "skeptics" of mlm who will try to bring you down, while some of them do express legitimate concerns when it comes to companies that are scam, it is vital to keep in mind that as long as you make positive to enroll with a legitimate company & keep your efforts consistent, you WILL have success!

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