
Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

Golf Is More Than a Game - Business Tips

Take a glance at the categories on any web based recruiting application and you won't see "golf" as of the job openings you'll be prospecting for, but is golf  a game? For somebody who plays to win, it is much over that. You are either playing against others or you are trying to beat the work. That may not count as a job to individuals who don't play, but for you the golfer it takes the same level of hard work and dedication you put in to the position you get paid for to be successful out on the work. Games don't need that kind of work. Golf is much over a game.

In case you play golf as part of a team in tournaments, there is even more work that goes in to the pursuit of this "fun" and thrilling pastime. Picking your teammates takes the same kind of planning and decision making that recruiting new employees requires. That recruitment tracking application they mentioned above? Use it for job applicant tracking when you are selecting partners. Play a round of nine with each of them and rate their performance. You can store that information online and return to it in case you need to make a substitution later in the season. Injuries do happen, you know.

You are probably shaking your head at this point wondering if we are for actual, but success at golf often leads to success in business. A long drive and a lovely short game will get you much more respect from potential clients and partners than a slide presentation in the boardroom. Golf is the game of kings and those who play it feel they are in a world of their own when they are on the links. In case you cannot keep up, you cannot communicate with them. No communication means you make no sales. It is that simple.

That is why you cannot treat golf as a casual pastime.

There's those, of work, who treat golf like a game and don't need ATS applicant tracking to keep tabs on potential partners, but they are usually average players at best and are seldom seen quickly climbing the corporate ladder. Those are the parents who say you don't must be Tiger Woods or Rory McIlroy to be a lovely golfer. The other golfers, those along with your passion for winning, need to be better than either of those players. It is not likely to happen, but striving for it is what separates the mediocre pitch and putters from the longest drive champions and match winners.

Michael Jordan is a golfer and those who play with him say he is merciless and cold-blooded; characteristics that will help you accomplish success in the actual world. He won six world championships. How lots of have you won? How lots of of your peers are striving to win at all? Do the math for yourself. Ask everyone in your circle in the event that they think about golf to be "just a game" and take note of where they are professionally. Those who think that golf is much over something to play tend to do better in the business world. Are you of those people or are you playing games?

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