
Rabu, 27 April 2011

Is Fear of Criticism Holding You Back?

For lots of, the fear of criticism, and being judged by others, is to keep people from trying anything new. Stepping out of the "comfort zone" of your usual activity can make you feel vulnerable. Mistakes are feasible when you are trying something new or different. But REAL life is about growing, and you cannot grow in case you are continuously doing the same thing. Life becomes mundane and boring.

 thinking about the word "criticism" makes people feel uncomfortable. In case you can in lieu think of the word: "critique" in lieu, it can help you back off from intense emotions and fear about being receiving a negative evaluation. Recognize that a critique will give you valuable insights, from another person's viewpoint, about something you are doing. At that point, it is up to you to pick whether there is validity, or helpful commentary. Understanding that the motivation behind the critique can be beneficial. If anyone will benefit by denigrating your performance, their critique tells you more about THEM than about your performance!

It is been said that the THIRD strongest fear is the fear of death. Did you know that #1 is fear of public speaking, and #2 is fear of walking in to a room filled with strangers? Those fears are the definition of what an entrepreneur must do in the event that they are networking, and meeting new people. Those fears often keep entrepreneurs from success because they don't go out and market their businesses. That fear is holding you back from attending activities where you can meet and interact with new people!

In case you are at a point where you won't try new activities because you are afraid of criticism and networking, there's some effective leading edge, proven methods to help you release the fear. EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, is a self-administered technique that can help you shift your feelings of fear.

It is also called "tapping" because that is what you do. There's specific meridians that run through your body. These are some of the same places that are used in acupuncture. With tapping, you forgo the needles and in lieu tap on specific points on your body while deliberately experiencing the "feelings" that are bothering you. While tapping, you may find spontaneous thoughts and feelings may arise that will lead you to understand the underlying causes of your issue. With that understanding, the fear is often released  immediately! While tapping, and going through this method, you will find your emotions around the issue shifts, diminishes or disappears ! For some people session can make a profound difference; for others it may take lots of sessions (that can be over a period of hours), or days. In definite circumstances it may take longer. But the bottom line is EFT WORKS for most people.

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