
Minggu, 24 April 2011

Can You Really Do It Better?

A leadership role in any type of group, whether it is your business networking group, religious organization or hobby-related club, places you in a position to balance the needs & desires of lots of people while striving to accomplish a main objective. Pulled in different directions while trying to stay on work is challenging but this is where the personal growth happens & the longer you stay at it, the more social maturity & wisdom is derived from it. Being the focus of attention, gaining the respect of others, learning people-skills while being in charge is what lots of people in business strive for but few will actually take the leap in to becoming a president, vice-president, team leader or moderator. Why?

Have you ever sat through a group meeting & thought to yourself, "I could run this meeting more effectively" or "If I were in charge, I would not do it that way...?" They probably all have had thoughts like this because it is simpler to be a "sideline coach" than to be the actively engaged in the activity & responsible for the finish result. Lots of groups are comprised of critics than "do-ers" & I am not surprised when I listen to jogging out of a networking or business meeting on how great the meeting would have been if only so & so had completed it this way. My knee-jerk reaction is to recommend to the person to go ahead & take charge in lieu of complaining & see if it is as simple as they think.

In the work of a presentation, I asked a networking group of 25+ people that in the event that they were interested in building character & quickly improving their people skills, to raise their hands & the whole room did. Then I explained the quickest way to build these attributes & skills was to take on a leadership role & only a few hands stayed up.

Why don't they have more leaders? The answer is three-fold: responsibility & work are the first. It is the responsibility of the leader for organizing the group, getting the job completed & for how things turn out. You are the person people will turn to for answers when things don't come out as expected. The leader puts them self & their integrity on the line & which is a giant weight to bear. The work involved is always way over expected; I have seldom heard someone say it was less work than they anticipated. The third & most significant part of the answer is fear; fear of failing, not doing a lovely job or not doing as lovely a job as the earlier leader. Fear that they don't measure up, that they will appear foolish or inadequate; it is a kind of stage fright which theater people deal with regularly.

Those contemplating a leadership role ought to understand that in managing a group of adults you will encounter the whiners, critics, supporters, spectators, those that engage & those that may undermine your efforts. One time you understand roles that people play, it becomes simpler to manage & work with them because you start to understand their priorities. Are not these the same "characters" you encounter in life, in a business deal or on holiday? As a leader you learn to compromise, change your agenda & drive toward a specific target in mind. Fabulous judgment can be developed as a leader & worth taking on the role at least one time in your life. You may not be as effective as you thought but you will have learned an fabulous amount about yourself, other people & group dynamics.

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