If a customer or a sponsor is not calling you back, lots of things could be happening. It is like a man that you are interested in not calling you back after a couple of days., possibly they are busy. Possibly something happened in the company that you don't know about. Did the person get fired? Or did they get promoted? There could be issues that are happening that you very certainly have no idea about. So, to understand what is going on, you require to have a relationship with them. Did I say that ? In the event that they haven't called you back, you require to be very clear in an electronic mail or a voice mail saying, "I have a deadline. give me an answer either way--yes or no--because I require to move on." People actually like to be taken off the hook. In case you tell them you are moving on, they could step up to the plate and say, "Wait. We are in. They must get our ducks in order." Don't rush to judgment. Have a conversation.
Even though you may require to tip-toe around your sponsor, it is important that they know you have a deadline. Be direct with them about your deadline and what you require from them. Don't let people walk all over you.
But before you keep going back and forth to the sponsor, be positive that all of your media commitments are in place because a sponsor won't feel comfortable giving you money in case you do not have your event or book tour secured. They are not interested in someone who is not 100 percent there.
When to follow up? What I am liking to do is tell people, "I have a deadline, so I require to have all of my media in place because I must tell the media," if there's magazines and other outlets involved. Always give yourself a month or as a cushion because even in case you have a deadline, they may not be able to keep to your deadline. But in case you have a cushion, and you feel it swinging your way, you have a little little bit of leeway. Keep in mind, you require to make positive that you are going to follow up, be direct, and be clear about your needs. Don't waffle.
One time your sponsor knows that you have all the cards in place, they ought to be great about getting everything to you on time. If not, don't be afraid to be straight with them and tell them what you require and when.
Even though you may require to tip-toe around your sponsor, it is important that they know you have a deadline. Be direct with them about your deadline and what you require from them. Don't let people walk all over you.
But before you keep going back and forth to the sponsor, be positive that all of your media commitments are in place because a sponsor won't feel comfortable giving you money in case you do not have your event or book tour secured. They are not interested in someone who is not 100 percent there.
When to follow up? What I am liking to do is tell people, "I have a deadline, so I require to have all of my media in place because I must tell the media," if there's magazines and other outlets involved. Always give yourself a month or as a cushion because even in case you have a deadline, they may not be able to keep to your deadline. But in case you have a cushion, and you feel it swinging your way, you have a little little bit of leeway. Keep in mind, you require to make positive that you are going to follow up, be direct, and be clear about your needs. Don't waffle.
One time your sponsor knows that you have all the cards in place, they ought to be great about getting everything to you on time. If not, don't be afraid to be straight with them and tell them what you require and when.